It’s orientation week….

If we could give everyone a bottle of ‘Rookie Orientation Sauce’ we’d do it now!

Welcome to (almost) semester start. Everyone can access their WebCT courses from today, and new students in particular are very, very welcome.

Please let us know if you have any worries or questions about semester start – we need to make sure everyone is on the right courses and that no-one is lost or struggling, so please give one of the programme team a shout if you’re having problems.

Here’s to a happy and successful semester!

9 thoughts on “It’s orientation week….”

  1. Hi Livia – there may be a few folk who aren’t yet ‘on the system’ as far as WebCT is concerned but that will be happening shortly – I’ll chase it up for you and we’ll make sure you’re on in good time for next week.

  2. hi Hugh – you’re referring to the lifestream on the EDC course (just in case anyone else is wondering!) – and yes, Sharon had an authentication problem when trying to add her Twitter feed. Is that what you’re getting? She managed it by using a different computer to add her feed (and not using her password – which you shouldn’t need to do anyway). Hope that helps – message or email me direct if you want to talk more about this.

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