A very interesting job related to the master:
University of Edinburgh
Institute for Education, Community and Society: Lecturer in E-Learning
Applications are invited for the position of Lecturer in E-Learning. You will have academic experience at post-doctoral level including established contributions to teaching and research, preferably underpinned by professional contributions to policy and/or practice.
You will enhance the existing team by developing research-led teaching, undertaking research in an area related to e-learning and supervising research students. You will make a significant contribution to the research profile of the group by securing research grants and by publishing and disseminating high quality research outputs commensurate with the Schools Education entry to the 2014 REF.
Well spotted, Mari Cruz! Here’s the link to the full advert. http://www.jobs.ed.ac.uk/vacancies/index.cfm?fuseaction=vacancies.detail&vacancy_ref=3014274
Yes, this is a new post – we are recruiting a new lecturer to the team here. If anyone has any queries about the job, please direct them to me or Hamish,
I wish I could apply but Hamish confirmed that you are looking for someone with a Ph.D. already 🙁
Looks like a good post, maybe a phd in the field is next so one day we can all apply!
Just out of curiosity (because I’ve no PHD and probably won’t have) does the successful applicant have to physically locate in Scotland? I wonder, because I’d love to live where I do and work elsewhere on the planet. Wonder how realistic that is yet….