BETT show v Learning Technologies 2012

Does anyone have any experience of either of these exhibitions? I am able to attend one,  and wondered if anyone has any views on them. One seems to have a workplace/corporate foucs, while the other seems to be around education in general, but otherwise seem to offer similar exhibitors.

Any recommendations or comments gratefully accepted.

Thanks, Jacki

3 thoughts on “BETT show v Learning Technologies 2012”

  1. I went to Learning Technologies this year – and met 3 other e-Learning MSc colleagues (quite by chance) – including the Lovely James McLuckie who was giving one of the seminars. I think you have to prepare yourself to be Sold To at every turn, and I was frequently Zapped (so that they could put me on their mailing lists… I’m still deep-cleaning my mailbox 10 months on…) but the seminars were interesting and I got a feeling for what’s out there. Frustrations of course about lack of budget to actually buy anything. I have no experience of BETT, so can’t compare.

  2. I’ve never been to Learning Technologies, but have done BETT a few times. They sound pretty much the same. Very much an opportunity for companies to demo new kit/sell at you. I’m secondary sector, BETT has always seemed pretty targeted at that audience although there’s a fair bit of primary too from what I remember.

    The other one to look at in Jan is LWF. A fairly significant cost attached to it, but I’ve found I actually learn something from the sessions beyond what new shiny thing X company has this year.


  3. I’ve been to BETT a few times. Enjoyable and exhausting, so many things to see and do. It gets pretty packed and as I remember I couldn’t squeeze in to all the seminars…so much planning and booking required in advance, and yes, I too was ‘zapped’ to mailing lists at every turn.
    I suppose I didn’t get much concrete from it, but always came away inspired by something.

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