The uDrift Summer Student Handbook (interactive PDF) is almost ready. It’s a laptop and mobile guide to the concept of urban flânerie/dérive/uDrift (walking or cycling) research. The uDrift-book presents the class using social media and GPS mapping. It includes a small guide to iOS and Android smartphone apps for tracking, drawing, in-phone video editing, TweetDeck messaging, QR Codes, etc. The non-credit class runs 2-22 July and is designed to challenge you for 6 to 8 hours per week with ideas and exercises involving mobile e-learning conducted in an urban or natural setting. It has relationships to work you might do in the MScEL and is a wannabe cousin to IDGBL. We have just expanded enrollment from 10 to 20 — JOIN THE DRIFT
For further details, contact Dennis Dollens at
Great programme.
Barcelona 22@ District could be interested in being one area to be “explore and ride”.
Looking forward to it Dennis! What should I do to get the guide? I reckon I’m more of a flaneur than academic, should be fun!
That’s good to hear Bo — the handbook will be on its way to you in a couple of weeks and I’ll be sending out some email stuff about the blog etc. Stay tuned!
Looking forward to this course!