Hi everyone,
Each year we have a one-day mini conference at UoE run by a staff group called the elearning forum.
This year’s conference is on 10 April, and the theme is on authenticity in online learning – more details here: https://www.wiki.ed.ac.uk/display/eLPP/Conference+2014+-+Authenticity+Online

We would like to have your input too – would you like to contribute something to the conference?
Anything smallish like a short text statement, like a quote, of your own experience as an online learner, or something a bit bigger such as a recorded video statement, or even more, for example a poster about a project you are doing?
It would be fantastic if you wanted to send in your thoughts for the elearning forum – the forum is mostly made up of staff who teach on or develop and support online learning, and also research students.
Please email me soon if you’re interested in sending something and/or would like to have a chat about what shape a contribution could have – marshall.dozier@ed.ac.uk
We aren’t thinking of having streamed presentations, to keep the technical requirements as low as possible, but if you would like to follow along, we will be using the twitter hashtag #elearninged