We would like to invite you to participate in Innovative Learning Week (ILW) this year. During the week of 15th to 19th February we are offering people the opportunity to have some small experience within the massively multiplayer online role-play game World of Warcraft (WoW).
Eligibility: The offer is extended to all students, alumni and staff. We are looking for participants with some (perhaps quite minimal) experience of the game, to give some time and to come online and mentor one or two newcomers.
Purpose: The idea, of course, is to introduce people to the possibilities of learning from, and through, game play, and to make them lightly aware of the scholarship around game-based learning. We will provide introductory notes to get people started – and a little bit of reading to round off the experience. We would like to have a list of experienced players who could give a couple of hours to meet with, and guide, one or two new arrivals in the Human starter zone at Northshire Abbey. As this is an ILW “event” that seeks to accommodate participation by online distance students and alumni we need to consider participants distributed across the time zones.
Register your interest: If you would like to be involved then please contact one of us (louise.connelly@ed.ac.uk or h.a.macleod@ed.ac.uk) and suggest a date & time that you would be available (morning, afternoon or evening UK time across the week from 15-19 Feb).
What’s involved as a helper? We will contact you and confirm the date & time of the session (s). You would then logon to WoW and Skype with one or two new players (we will provide details of the players). This may take place on campus or it may take place remotely (all participants connect from their own ‘home’ locations). You might like to work in buddy pairs with another experienced friend. Please do tell your friends, so that we can recruit a large group of mentors.
Information about the event is in the ILW “catalogue” at:
We would really appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Louise Connelly
Hamish Macleod