A Wikipedia Editathon: Women, Science and Scottish history – February 16-19

How does information get into Wikipedia?  Who puts it there?  Who edits it?  (And why aren’t there more women?)

When women firswikieditt matriculated to study medicine in the UK, it was at the University of Edinburgh.  It didn’t go down too well – in fact, it caused a riot.  Wikipedia tells us about Edinburgh Seven, but there is much more to say.  And the University of Edinburgh has the evidence.

As part of the University’s Innovative Learning Week, the Moray House School of Education is joining forces with the Information Services team, the School of Literature, Languages and Cultures, EDINA and the National Library of Scotland to help people learn to edit Wikipedia, using content from the University archives.

This will be happening on campus over four afternoons, but it’s open to distance learning students, alumni, staff, and members of the public as well as campus-based students. You can sign up for as many sessions as you want while places are available.

For more information, see https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Women,_Science_and_Scottish_History_editathon_series

Follow on Twitter at #ILWeditathon

Marshall Dozier and Christine Sinclair

Give an assignment a new look

10-30 June 2013

Did you get a great mark and want to work up your assignment into a publication?  Or perhaps it didn’t go as well as you hoped, and you’d like to tackle the topic again to help with future writing.  Either way, the three-week summer school in June on Academic Writing will give you some tools for looking at your assignments with a fresh eye.   By thinking about how to write about your topic for an academic publication, you’ll investigate the differences and similarities between requirements for your lecturers and journal editors.  The course is entirely online using Moodle, and would involve 5-8 hours a week.

Free for all MSc in E-Learning students!

Open only to current students of the MSc in E-Learning, and limited to 10 places.  Priority will be given to those who haven’t attended previously, but others are still welcome to apply again.

Please note that this is not a credit-bearing course.

For further details, contact Christine Sinclair at Christine.Sinclair@ed.ac.uk

The Summer School is now fully subscribed, but do get in touch if you’re interested and want to be put on a waiting list.  Christine

Open to all on the MSc: two Summer Schools in July

Running 2-22 July 2012

We are offering two exciting, intensive and free summer schools this year for students on the MSc in E-learning.

Urban Drift: m-learning with apps Tutor: Dennis Dollens
Explore pedagogical connectivity in urban or natural spaces around you.

Give your assignment a makeover Tutor: Christine Sinclair
Improve your academic writing and develop papers for publication.

Follow the links to find out more and sign up early as places are limited. Please note that these courses are a fantastic way to spend some time over the summer, but they aren’t credit-bearing!