Jisc ‘summer of student innovation’ competition

Jisc is awarding funding and support to students and start-ups who come up with a brilliant idea for using technology to transform learning or research in further education, universities and work-based learning. In the past, teams have been successful with ideas like bringing together researchers and participants, an app to help people learn languages, and tech to improve lectures.

There are  four competitions to suit different teams including one aimed and Further Education learners and one at apprentices. Apply by uploading a short video explaining your idea to the Elevator site, where you can also find further details of each competition.

Jisc Elevator

Inaugural Lecture, Professor Siân Bayne – livestreaming 4 March

Update: Sian’s inaugural lecture is now available to watch on Youtube: Professor Sian Bayne, The Trouble with Digital Education

An invitation to tune in to Professor Siân Bayne’s inaugural lecture, being livestreamed on Wednesday at 5:15pm UK time. The lecture will be available to watch later, too, but if you’re available at that time and would like to join us, Sian would be delighted to have you there virtually (or in person if you happen to be in the Edinburgh area!).

Tune in here:


We’ll use the hashtag #troublediged to discuss the lecture as it unfolds.

The trouble with digital education

Digital technologies in education are often considered in terms of the promises they seem to offer: for enhanced efficiency, for ‘more relevant’ teaching methods, for higher levels of engagement in the classroom, for ways of reaching new groups of students or revolutionising universities. Almost equally often they are viewed as a threat: they do not take into account the value of embodied, co-present teaching, they replace scholarly community with isolation and automation, they are complicit with cultures of surveillance, homogenisation and teacher de-professionalisation.

This lecture will navigate a pathway through the promises and the threats, to consider the interface between education and the digital in terms of ‘troubling’. Looking at some of the trends and trajectories of the last decade of digital education, it will show how it has worked to challenge some of the core ties-that-bind within the academy: the links between author and text, between university and campus, between human and non-human. It will argue that we need the digital to keep educational practice fresh, critical and challenging.

Whose Knowledge Counts? Rethinking Justice in Knowledge Production

For Innovative Learning Week 2015, the Global Justice Academy, the MSc Social Justice and Community Action and the MSc Digital Education have organised a student competition to imagine and represent the politics of knowledge production and the struggle of who gets recognised as a knowledgeable and knowing agent.

logo‘Knowledge’ is a key site for debates about social justice. The processes by which a given society decides which knowledges are valuable, how some individuals and groups are constructed as ‘scientific agents’ and how particular ways of knowing are legitimated are deeply political questions. Indeed, the power of many of liberation struggles is not only in their transformations of the material conditions of marginalised groups but by challenging the social order through radical new ways of seeing and understanding the world.

For this competition, we invite undergraduate and postgraduate students to create an image related to the theme of ‘Whose Knowledge Counts’. A selection of images will be debated at a roundtable event from 1pm-3pm on Thursday 19th February at the Chrystal MacMillan Building, Seminar Room 5, where we will also announce the competition winners. This event will be livestreamed and recorded for distance education students.

Upload your image to the competition’s Padlet wall by Friday 13th February 2015.

Further details and signupcan be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whose-knowledge-counts-rethinking-justice-in-knowledge-production-tickets-15270327962

Welcome to a new semester!

Hello everyone, and on behalf of the whole team, welcome to a new semester of the Digital Education programme! A special welcome to those who are returning to study after a break, and those who are newly joining the programme this month.

Today is the start of orientation week (week 0) – week 1 begins next Monday, 19 January*. This week is an opportunity to familiarise yourself with your course content and structure, and begin to get to know your tutors and fellow participants.

*Please note that, for the Education and Digital Cultures course, Week 1 begins today. See http://edc15.education.ed.ac.uk for more information.

We hope you’ll find the coming weeks inspiring and thought-provoking, and that you won’t hesitate to be in touch with your course tutors, personal tutors, or me or Angie if there’s anything you need to discuss. Have a great semester!

Doorway and Vine, James McNeill Whistler, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, http://www.asia.si.edu/collections/edan/object.cfm?q=fsg_F1887.2


happy holidays… but before you go… 3 things

hello everyone – well done to those who are finishing up courses and final assignments from this semester! And a warm welcome to those who are starting on the programme in January. And to everyone else, all of whom I’m sure have earned some time off from whatever you’ve been busy doing. From all of the team, happy holidays, when they come.

Three things to let you know about:

1. if you haven’t yet enrolled for your January course, please do so! You can find the enrolment form here: https://www.moodle.is.ed.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=131

2. Google Glass competition: Throughout January, the University would like to hear people’s ideas for using Google Glass – make a 3-minute video and you might have a chance to showcase your ideas to the University, or even to Google HQ. More info here: http://glass.ed.ac.uk

3. Teaching award nominations open: nominations for EUSA Teaching Awards have now been launched for 2014-15. There are eight categories designed to recognise and reward teachers  who are committed to creating a collaborative, innovative and vibrant learning and teaching environment at the University. If you would like to learn more or to nominate one of your teachers, courses or supervisors, all the info you need is here: www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/teachingawards