Virtual Graduation 27 Nov 2015 – come one, come all!

Come join the celebrations!

We will have graduations for the School of Education, including our fab Digital Education students, on 27 November at 3pm.

As in previous years, we will be having a integrated virtual ceremony in Second Life. Please come join us to celebrate our graduates’ achievements, catch up with old friends, and have some fun!

Our virtual graduates will have their names called out in the Usher Hall along with images of our Second Life ceremony. The audience gathered in Edinburgh will applaud our virtual graduates along with those graduating in person, so it’s a very special integrated celebration.

We would be really grateful if you could put Friday 27 November at 3pm UK time in your diaries, and come along to the Virtual University of Edinburgh campus graduation space at Venue at Vue to support the programme and be part of this wonderful celebration. All are welcome – current and prospective students, alumni, and friends of the programme.

Please try to arrive a bit early, and it’s worth checking, well in advance, that you can access SL smoothly. See the technologies handbook here and here is some guidance for viewing media (we’ll be watching the live stream from Usher Hall) . There’s a recorded video about artificial intelligence project available on the screen at at Venue at Vue so that you can test your media settings 🙂

Here’s a video of last year’s ceremony, courtesy of Austin Tate (thanks, Austin!)

There will be bubbly, there will be fireworks, there will be much to celebrate!

Meetings in Azeroth


wow_logo_shadow2It is the time of year for the participants on the “Introduction to digital game-based learning” course to spend some quality time in the world of Azeroth – in which is set the massively multi-player online role-play game World of Warcraft.  Any previous members of the course, or members of the programme in general with experience in World of Warcraft, would be welcome to join us.  The scheduled meeting opportunities are listed below.  Not all of these may be used, and other meeting times might be arranged.  But any who would like to join in should please be in touch with me directly ( and I will keep you informed about developments.

Please make this request known to any who might be interested.

Tuesday 6th October 8pm UK Time
Wednesday 7th October 3pm UK Time
Thursday 8th October 10am UK Time
Thursday 8th October 8pm UK Time

Light Be With You.

Happy New Academic Year

Postcards2CardsNewYearsResolution1915It’s great to be back!  And to those who’ve just joined us, it’s good to see you.  We hope you’re finding your way around your course sites and the Hub – and other spaces such as Twitter, where you’ll find existing students and alumni offering advice.  Thanks to all who’ve done that already.

it’s a hard job following in Jen’s footsteps. She has been a fantastic programme director for the past three years as many people have already observed.  She’s been a great help to me over this summer as I began to take over the role. It’s an interesting time to be programme director as the programme is 10 years old this year (more about this later).  And 9 years ago, in another life, I started as a student on IDEL myself. A lot has changed since then, but it remains a fabulous community of students, teachers, alumni and friends of the programme.  I hope you all enjoy your studies as much as I did!

Remember to keep checking into the Hub as there’ll be more announcements coming and lots of new ideas.  I’m sure that 2015-16 is going to be a year to remember.


Image: New Year’s resolution 1915.  Wikimedia Commons

Welcome (back) to the Digital Education Hub

Hello everyone – we hope you’ve had a good break.

We’re all looking forward to our new academic session which begins on 21 September. A special welcome to the new students who are starting then; do enjoy exploring the Hub and finding out about some of our activities here.  Log in with EASE to get full access to the site, including some of the links on the left.

The links to the Courses will be updated on 14 September, which we regard as the start of our orientation week.  You should be able to get access then to any you have signed up for.  For continuing students, if you still haven’t signed up, you should do that as soon as possible in the MSc in Digital Education Moodle site – or follow the link to Course Enrolment form in the left-hand column.  Course Design for Digital Environments is now fully subscribed. In the meantime, you might want to check out the handbooks for your courses, the Programme Handbook, and The Technologies Guide which have all been updated.

The Student-Staff Liaison Committee will meet in a few weeks – if you click on this link, you can see who is on the Committee and use the Discussion Forum to pass on messages.  More will be added to this soon.

We use this space to make announcements, tell you about interesting events, pass on messages. You can use it too.  See ‘Blog posting area for the Hub’.  There is guidance on how to do this in the Technologies Guide.

Happy September – and see you soon.

CC0  Pixabay