If I Googled you, what would I find?

DF LogoI would like to draw your attention to a new free online course launched by the University of Edinburgh (on Coursera).

The Digital Footprint MOOC is open to all (students, staff, researchers, and the public) and we would be delighted for you to join this course. The course is held over 3 weeks and is available on demand, all year.

The University of Edinburgh Digital Footprint MOOC, focuses on the different dimensions of a digital footprint, including developing an effective online presence, managing privacy online, creating opportunities for networking, balancing and managing professional and personal presences (eprofessionalism). By the end of the course participants should be confident at managing a digital footprint that works for them, whether it’s small and private, or a more effective and impactful presence.

As we move around the online world we leave tracks and traces of our activity all the time: social media accounts, tagged images, professional presences, scraps of text, but also many artefacts we don’t always realise we are leaving behind, or that others leave about us.  This course includes a range of experts from across the world, practical advice, as well as providing an opportunity to reflect on and refine your own online presence and digital footprint.

The course starts 3 April 2017. Register now https://goo.gl/jgHLQs

You can also join the conversation on Twitter @DFMOOC #DFMOOC

Further information about Managing Your Digital Footprint at the University of Edinburgh can also be found www.ed.ac.uk/iad/digitalfootprint

Moodle availability issues 6 & 7 November

We’re aware that there have been issues with Moodle availability over the past 24 hours – Information Services is working to fix this, and it should be back to normal soon. In the meantime, they advise that:

if you happen to ‘land’ on the problem server and get a ‘Page Unavailable’ message displayed on login, close your browser and clear the browser cache and try to log in again. This may take a few attempts to ‘land’on the functioning server.

Apologies for the inconvenience this is causing.

Archiving material from WebCT

For those who took courses before this academic year, you will want to know that the University’s support for WebCT will come to an end at the end of this month (June 2013). Old course sites may continue to function after that, but there is no guarantee, and if anything goes wrong with the service it’s unlikely to be fixed. So, if you have material in WebCT that you know you want to return to, you should download/save this in the next few weeks. You can access these courses at https://www.vle.ed.ac.uk/webct/entryPageIns.dowebct

Readings can be saved in the usual ways (downloading the PDFs, etc). Other pages can be saved as PDFs or HTML pages. And if you want to keep a record of discussion board content, here’s how:

Discussions and their attachments can be selected individually or as a whole thread, select printable view and then download instead of printing.

If you have questions or need help, contact the IS Helpline – is.helpline@ed.ac.uk

Moodle Upgrade – Invitation to Test


I am sure you are all very busy but I wonder have you about 1 hour to spare next Thursday 6th June?

The University is deploying an upgrade to Moodle in July 2013 in time for the September 2013 restart. We are looking for student testers to test the Moodle upgrade at any time over Thursday 6th June. Testing would be done from your home / office and should take no more than an hour. Feedback is due back to us on Friday 7th June 10am BST.

We will provide all testing scripts, log in, and details for you if you are interested.

Please email fiona.littleton@ed.ac.uk if you have time and can assist. We really appreciate your time and input and this feedback will be invaluable to us moving forward with deployment.

Thank you in advance,


Semester begins! New email service is live.

hello everyone, it’s week 1, and semester formally begins today!

Continuing students have probably seen a lot of information in the past few weeks about the change to the University’s student email service – which went live today. So, you need to check today that you can get access to your student email. If you had a forwarding rule set up, you’ll need to reset this. Here’s how:

1. Log on to Office 365 https://www.office365.ed.ac.uk
2. Select ‘options’ in the righthand corner and view all options
3. Select ‘forward your email’ from right hand column
4. Enter the email address you want your student mail to forward to in the given box and select ‘start forward’.

I’ll be sending an important email to all students later today about fees for the 2013/14 academic year, so if you don’t receive this, it means you need to check your student email settings!