Semester Starts Here

This is the first day of the first week of the first semester of a new year.  Welcome, and welcome back to everyone on the programme.  I saw a Tweet from Sian saying something about the virtual corridors being busy this morning – a nice way of putting it.  This certainly seems to be the case.  I hope that everyone has their lunch box, remembered their gym kit, and knows where they are supposed to be.  Sorry – I think I was just having a flashback to my worst fears about the start of new terms.  🙂  No such problems here.

There have already been some excellent conversations, and great meetings, and I for one am very much looking forward to the work to come.  I wish you all the very best for the coming year.

Author: Hamish Macleod

Senior Lecturer in the School of Education of the University of Edinburgh. C-Director of the MSc Programme in eLearning.

11 thoughts on “Semester Starts Here”

  1. Hmm, I guess it’s the time difference, and the fact that I LOVED the first day of school (just not too keen on the following ones, depending on how day 1 went), but I feel like I’ve arrived before all my classmates and am sitting at my desk with my hand up shouting “I know! I know! I know the answer!” Disconcerting. Thankful that Daniela and Lesley showed up too. 🙂

    1. I haven’t; in fact, even as a teacher I have to set fake start times for myself or I’d never be at school on time. This time difference thing just makes me look good. I must remember to always work at least one time zone behind the place I live in:)

    1. We’ve all done something like that in SL, Craig. Never fear! Funny how embarrassing or awkward being pantsless in pixelated form can feel.

    2. I didn’t realize that outfits didn’t replace each other, that you had to take previous ones off. You should have seen what was sticking out from my skirt. Fortunately was in the park all alone at the time, but was dismayed at the lack of shelter, so I ate all the ice cream off the ice cream lorry, and I haven’t been able to get in since. (Fiona’s on it.)

  2. I joined in late on my first day and it is now nearly bedtime…. I thought I had the day free as it was a school holiday in Edinburgh but in the usual style, kids were taking over my day. I am so pleased they are off to their traditional classrooms tomorrow!

  3. Craig, that reminds me of a similar experience I had in a tutorial where my avatar was all red and weird looking. It’s only at the end of the tutorial that someone explained me it was because I was SL-naked. Embarrassing

  4. For some reason my clothes, and especially my hair don’t seem to follow me around SL as quickly as I would like. So when I had MSc tutorials I would try and arrive early, or in the bushes. Just to give my clothes time to arrive.

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