The Gallery of Mediated Artefacts (GOMA) is an exhibition of work by digital artists studying the E-Learning and Digital Cultures course as part of the MSc in E-Learning at The University of Edinburgh.
The work on display covers four themes: 2010: A digital space odyssey; The changing face of visual culture; The power of words? Digital authorship in DVC and; Digital literacy and learning. It is appropriate however that the open plan layout of the exhibition enables the different genres to merge into one another.
There are no distinct boundaries in the exhibition – the sound from one area is allowed to drift to another, potentially reframing the author’s intended meaning for an individual piece of work. Meanwhile some pieces form a link between one genre and the next.
The meaning that the visitor takes from the Gallery is also influenced by the sequence in which they visit the different areas of the exhibition.
An important part of the gallery experience is provided by the sound of electronic chatter as you wander between the different spaces – most prominent within this is an original piece created by Jeremy Knox to accompany his contribution to the gallery.
Entry to the Gallery of Mediated Artefacts is free for all E-Learning students.
The original news release and some early critical review can be seen seen here.
Carpenter, R (2009) Boundary negotiations: electronic environments as interface. Computers and Composition. 26, 138-148.
So cool James! Thank you so much, it looks amazing and it’s great to have us all together in the gallery.
I’ve shared it on Facebook with great excitement 🙂
Begins to document the class community as a working group with related but individually articulated research and aesthetic trails. MidTerm group exhibition. Terrific.