‘Effective Course Design’ – update to the course delivery schedule for 2011-12

Hullo Everyone

Just to let you know there’s been a change to the course delivery schedule for next academic year (September 2011 to August 2012).  The course ‘Effective Course Design for E-Learning’ will be moving to Semester 1 .

This makes no difference to the upcoming semester for this academic year (September 2010 to August 2011). But it might make a difference for those who are struggling with the choice between Course Design and Online Assessment in the upcoming semester (January 2011) because you could do OA in January 2011 and then CD in September 2011.

So, the schedule for Course Design will be:

  • January 2011
  • September 2011
  • September 2012

For Online Assessment, it’s January 2011 and then January 2012.

An updated course delivery schedule is available at http://www.education.ed.ac.uk/e-learning/content.htm

In case you’re wondering, the reason for the change is two-fold.  Firstly, so folk don’t have to choose between the two courses (they are a popular combination!).  Secondly, so I don’t have too much on the go at once, since I tutor on both.  🙂



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