WebCT Internal eMail

This message just received about some of the consequences of the WebCT disruptions.

The work being carried out at KB this weekend may have an impact on the mail server which is used by WebCT.  This means that anyone who has elected to have their WebCT mail forwarded to an external email address may not receive this mail until early next week, or possibly not at all.  This will NOT affect the delivery of WebCT mail messages to your inbox within WebCT; it is just the copy that you may expect to receive to your normal email address which is at risk.

We apologise for the late notice and for any inconvenience this causes.

Stephen Vickers
Learning Services, IS

We probably wouldn’t advise the use of the WebCT mail system anyway, but just in case.

Author: Hamish Macleod

Senior Lecturer in the School of Education of the University of Edinburgh. C-Director of the MSc Programme in eLearning.