What does it mean to be an e-learner?

Hello everyone, I wonder if you might be able to help me?

At the end of 2010 I joined a working group at Edinburgh University that has set itself the objective of exploring the experience of distance learners within this institution. I suggested that the E-Learning programme might be a good place to collect experiences and ideas of what it means to be an online distance learner.

To this end, and with the encouragement of Hamish Macleod, I’ve created an independently hosted discussion board where we can share experiences (using pseudonyms as desired).

The University intends to use any information gathered to help enhance the experience of current and future distance learners. The voices of ‘newbies’ and ‘old hands’ in this exercise are equally important :-)

I hope you’ll be able to take a few minutes out from your studies (and work, and other commitments) to share your thoughts under any of the topics that are of particular interest to you.

Thanks for considering my request.

Oh yes, here’s the link to the website with the discussion board:


James (s0900191)

One thought on “What does it mean to be an e-learner?”

  1. Thanks everyone for your responses – I was a bit anxious over whether anyone would have the time to contribute (a bit like hosting a party as a teenager and worried that nobody would show up).

    There’s some really, really interesting stuff on there (and a nice mixture of experiences and perspectives).

    If you haven’t shared your thoughts there’s still time to do so – please feel free to drop in (and don’t forget to try the dips – they’re lovely).

    Genuine thanks again everyone for taking part.


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