Special online seminar: Education and the social web

We’re really pleased to announce a special online seminar for MSc in E-learning staff and students by Dr Norm Friesen – all welcome!

Norm will be discussing ‘Education and the social web. Connective learning and the commercial imperative’, a session which will be based on his recent paper in First Monday.

The seminar will be Tuesday March 8th, 19.30 UK time. We’ll be using Wimba to hear Norm present and to discuss his thoughts on the commerical imperative driving much social media and limiting its educational potential.

There’s more about Norm’s seminar on the Events tab.

Numbers will be limited, so if you’d like to come, please drop me an email at sian.bayne@ed.ac.uk, so that we can make sure you get the info you need to access Wimba on the 8th.

Looking forward to seeing you!

8 thoughts on “Special online seminar: Education and the social web”

  1. Ooh, sounds fascinating. 4:30 am before teaching a 8:30 am post-exam-last-week-of-lessons class of 14 year olds…..:-( I’m still tempted, but….
    Will there be a transcript posted?

  2. Hi Sian:

    I’m interested also if I can figure out what time it is, my time:-).


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