Current students have received an email about this recently, so this is an announcement aimed primarily at visitors and our alumni. In September 2013, the MSc in E-learning programme name will change to MSc in Digital Education!
In a fast-moving field like ours it’s important to try to keep up with the use of terms as they shift, and it’s our view that “e-learning” is a term that is going to become less representative than it is now of the diversity of our courses and areas of interest. As a team, we feel that the new name reflects the range of topics and ideas the programme covers.
The plan is to make a ‘phased’ transition so that our well-known and much loved “MSc in E-learning” name is published alongside “Digital Education” for a significant period of time.
So, if you start to see mention of this new name, don’t be surprised! It’s still us, and the programme remains the same (in a vibrant, dynamic way, of course!).
Thanks, all, and happy holidays.
I think I’d rather have the new name on my degree certificate – I agree that Digital Education is much more reflective of the course content – I have to keep explaining to people that it’s not a Masters in “making clicky online PowerPoints”!
I agree Livia! Any chance those of us hoping to graduate this year can take the new name?
Hi both! lol, Livia. 🙂
Because the new name doesn’t come into effect until September, and the latest dissertation submission for this year’s graduation is August, we can’t offer the option of graduating with the new name in November 13. Sorry about that!