Alumni Seminar Event & Innovative Learning Week

Update: details are now on the Events page.

The week of 18 February is the University of Edinburgh’s “Innovative Learning Week” – when all kinds of things happen all over campus and into the virtual beyond. Many on-campus programmes suspend their teaching for the week, and while we won’t be doing that, we do have some good stuff planned! Stay tuned for more, but to kick us off:

Wednesday 20 February 2013, 7:30-9pm, Alumni Seminar Event, Second Life

Join us in Second Life on the evening of 20 February  to hear two fantastic speakers (who also happen to be graduates from the MSc programme) talk about their latest project, research, or big idea! All are welcome – students, alumni, friends and colleagues, and anyone interested in the MSc in Digital Education programme and the sorts of things we get up to!

Alumni speakers are:

Michael Sean Gallagher: Mobile Material Texts: Composition in the Humanities and Legitimate Peripheral Participation

Nicola Osborne: “The course of online events never did run smooth”: lessons learned running the Will’s World Online Hack.

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