Innovative Learning Week thank you and update

I wanted to briefly post to thank Louise Connelly, Amy Woodgate and Jin Darling for their excellent contributions to last week’s Innovative Learning Week in the University.

On Monday, Louise, Amy and Jin led a session in Second Life called ‘Exploring Second Life: from botanic gardens, to Buddhist temples, and university campuses’. An enthusiastic group of participants travelled the metaverse together to get a sense of the possibilities of virtual worlds for teaching and learning.


Then, on Wednesday, Louise (supported by Clara, with input from Hamish and a few of the IDGBL students) introduced a group of on-campus attendees to the wonders of World of Warcraft – one of the participants posted this excellent recap of the event.

These events, designed and led by programme participants, are a great example of the sorts of contributions to the life of the University that Digital Education participants make. We welcome ideas for sessions for next year’s Innovative Learning Week!