On behalf of the MSc in E-learning programme team, a very warm welcome to the Holyrood Park Hub to those of you who are starting on the programme next month! We hope you enjoy getting to know what we’re all about, and we look forward to working with you next semester when you begin your coursework.
This Hub is a place where students, alumni and teachers on the programme can network – as you can see there’s quite a lot going on. You can jump into conversations, or start your own – we’re a welcoming and friendly group (as long as we’ve been fed đŸ™‚ ). You can also click on anyone’s name on the site to find out more about them. The technologies handbook gives some information about how to use the Hub and our Twitter hashtag (#mscel) – feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Finally, we are meeting up this evening (Monday 13 December, 7pm UK time) in Second Life for an end-of-semester festive celebration – if you’re familiar with Second Life and have an account already, do drop in and introduce yourself, and have a cup of virtual hot-chocolate (or something stronger).