Call for poems and creative works

Hi everyone,

I don’t know if you have seen this but after writing an Haiku as part of the dissertation festival a few years back I thought I might submit it.

I thought some of the rest of you might also be interested.


Submission Deadline: June 20, 2014

Teaching as a Human Experience: An Anthology of Contemporary Poems

An edited anthology volume by Dr. Karen Head (Assistant Professor in Georgia Tech’s School of Literature, Media, and Communication), and Patrick Blessinger (Founder and Executive Director, Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association)

Volume one of the anthology series, Contemporary Teaching and Learning Poetry Series, Patrick Blessinger, series editor.

Submissions should be submitted electronically to:

Volume One Overview

The poems in this collection will deal with the real life-worlds of professors, instructors, and others working in education and it will cover contemporary teaching experiences in education. The poems will be written mainly by college and university professors, instructors, lecturers, and others in the field of education, and will cover the many roles teachers play, including instructing, lecturing, mentoring, facilitating, coaching, guiding, and leading. This volume will cover the manifold life experiences and perspectives of being and working as a teacher in education and the epiphanies (experiences of deep realization) experienced in that role.

This volume seeks to give creative voice to the full range of experiences by teachers, students, and others. It seeks to empower readers with personal agency as they evolve as self-creating, self-determining authors of their own lives, personally and professionally. In short, it seeks to expand our consciousness of what it means to be a teacher in contemporary life and within diverse learning environments and cultures. The poems will be based on teachers’ meaningful experiences in and out of the classroom and will provide artistic inspiration and creative insight to other teachers who work as teachers.

Submission Requirements

You may submit up to two poems or creative works per person. Any poetic form is accepted, but each poem should be limited to 300 words, unless the poem of longer length is exceptional in quality and highly unique in insight or style and appropriate to the poetic form used. Thus, poems and creative works expressed in a pure economy of words and that are able to distill the human experience down to its bare essence are highly valued as are creative use of voice, passion, imagery and the interplay of intellect and emotions.

The poem “Lecture” by Tami Haaland and the poem “Student” by Ted Kooser are a few examples of the type of work this volume seeks.


We invite submissions of high quality poems and creative works for Volume One entitled, Teaching as a Human Experience: An Anthology of Contemporary Poems. We are interested in poems by teachers (e.g., professors, instructors, lecturers, faculty) as well as other practitioners in the field of teaching and learning.

Submission Deadline: June 20, 2014

Submissions should be submitted electronically to:
Posted By Patrick Blessinger

Come and join the dissertation group!

One of the great things about this MSc is working with colleagues from across the world who have similar interests.  The taught modules have supported us to collaborate in a variety of ways, sharing ideas and building knowledge and ideas through conversation.  So I thought it would be really good to have a group on the hub in which we can continue these discussions  as we work on the final stage of the MSc, our dissertation.  I’m hoping it will help us to learn from each other as we progress through each stage of our research projects – pooling tips and techniques, discussing difficulties and sharing our findings.

This group’s open to anyone who’s interested, whether they’re thinking about dissertation ideas, planning and carrying out the research, or writing up.  So come and join in:


Short questionnaire

I’m currently studying the research methods module, and as part of this we’ve created a short questionnaire about online learning.
If you have 5 minutes to spare please would you complete it?
Thanks for your help.
(ps the introduction says it will take 15 minutes, but that’s a mistake I couldn’t correct once the questionnaire was live, it really is more like 5 minutes.)

Controller free technology: exploring the potential for learning

Last week saw the launch of Microsoft’s Kinect: an innovative “controller free” device for the Xbox 360. This new control system is targeted at opening up the world of digital gaming to a new audience, but I propose it also has potential as a powerful tool for learning. Join the discussion 22nd – 26th November.

To find out more visit :