MOOC for TESOL + Technology

Hi everyone,

I hope all is going well in the new year / term.

I found this recently, and only just got round to posting it. It’s an online conference about integrating technology with TESOL – all online and free to join.

There are several interesting courses there you might be interested in. Sign up is until 14th Jan.


hub & blog issues today

Just to let you know that we are aware that there have been intermittent issues with access to the blog and Hub today – apologies for this. Information Services is on the case, but haven’t identified the cause yet (it’s affecting a whole server), so access may continue to be patchy.

I’d suggest that if you are blogging this evening or tomorrow, you copy and paste your text somewhere (a text file or similar) before pressing ‘publish’ – just in case!

Sorry for the hassle – hopefully this will be resolved very soon.

Burst your bubble

TED talk by Eli Pariser, author of The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From You

Pariser demonstrates how personalisation algorithms mean that search engines are offering you results which conform to your existing browsing habits and preferences. You think you are seeing the “whole web”, but increasingly you’re being served up a subset of links based on their “relevance” to those you already clicked on.

Is the personalised web becoming a space which shrinks as you explore it?

“Facebook was looking at which links I clicked on, and it was noticing that I was clicking more on my liberal friends’ links than on my conservative friends’ links. And without consulting me about it, it had edited them out. They disappeared.” (Eli Pariser)

Urban Drift — Mobile Summer e-Learning

Cover: uDrift Student Handbook

The uDrift Summer Student Handbook (interactive PDF) is almost ready. It’s a laptop and mobile guide to the concept of urban flânerie/dérive/uDrift (walking or cycling) research. The uDrift-book presents the class using social media and GPS mapping. It includes a small guide to iOS and Android smartphone apps for tracking, drawing, in-phone video editing, TweetDeck messaging, QR Codes, etc. The non-credit class runs 2-22 July and is designed to challenge you for 6 to 8 hours per week with ideas and exercises involving mobile e-learning conducted in an urban or natural setting. It has relationships to work you might do in the MScEL and is a wannabe cousin to IDGBL. We have just expanded enrollment from 10 to 20 — JOIN THE DRIFT

For further details, contact Dennis Dollens at

uDfift: app & Google Earth project tracking