A Word about WordPress

It’s really great to see the Programme embracing WordPress at last! I’ve been pottering through the MSc since 2006, and we’ve had a white-knuckle ride through many different approaches to blogging, social networking, and similar online fun – from early ‘dark’ blogging, through Elgg/Eduspaces, and even feu Google Wave (not to mention, of course, FB and SL).

WordPress Buttons and Stickers by Nikolay Bachiyski on Flickr (CC:BY)

During all this time I’ve had a strong belief that WordPress was one-to-watch: it’s free-and-open-source, has a rapid and dynamic development cycle, a huge community of creative users, and an effective architecture supporting all kinds of third-party themes and plugins. I’ve tried out other blog platforms, including Blogger (which has much to recommend it) but what always impressed about WordPress was that with little, if any, programming know-how, you can still be immensely creative, whether you choose to download and host it yourself from WordPress.org, or use hosted options at WordPress.com or Edublogs. (A friend of mine who is definitely creative but definitely not a Web developer has created several impressive sites with it.) I’m really surprised whenever I discover people have chosen other blogging platforms, but generally not surprised to learn their experience is disappointing: I’ve had very poor reports from major institutions who have chosen solutions based on TypePad or Drupal.

WordPress has gone from strength-to-strength, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, and has an ecosystem all its own. When podcasting was the next-big-thing, plugins emerged to turn it into a podcasting application. Another plugin, ScholarPress, ventured to turn it into a VLE. One theme turned it into a convincing Twitter-like micro-blogging platform. There are plugins and themes to make it work with Iphones and other mobile platforms. Not all of them are perfect, but they all signal the huge potential of WP: essentially, wherever blogging is somewhere at the heart of requirements, WordPress has got to be considered.

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Two things worth knowing

1. If you have something you want to post in the main blog (ie: the main page of this site), please feel free to do so – all Hub members are authorised to write blog posts. Once you’re logged in, click the “Blog posting area for the Hub” link in the lefthand sidebar. You’ll be taken to an ‘Add New Post’ screen. Type your post, and click ‘Publish’. Go on – you know you want to…

2. A reminder for those who may not have read the ‘Hub’ section in the technologies handbook that all content on this site is publicly accessible. Groups and their associated forums can be made private, and you can send private messages to other members, but other material, including your profile information, is visible to anyone who visits the site. So, choose what you post accordingly!

Welcome to the MSc in E-learning hub!

This is our new space for social networking across the programme, and for easy access to your courses, course resources and each other. The Facebook Holyrood Park group has been disbanded and — although you’ll still need to use MyEd for access to some University resources, we’re hoping this new hub will work as a quick, easy and connected way to access the MSc programme.

All participants are welcome to post on this page, as well as create personal profiles, groups and discussions, and make friendship links with other members. Visitors to the site who aren’t part of the programme will be able to view the content that is public on the site, and comment on blog posts.

Three cheers for the hub!